I am thankful for so much in my life, its really hard to express my gratitude to everyone who has touched my life. At this time, I really want to thank my family, they have given me so much in my life, not just material things, but so much love, knowledge and wonderful memories. They have made me who I am today. I could not imagine my life without them, and hope to never have to. I am so thankful for my husband, he is truly my best friend. I love every minute that I am with him and how he always makes me laugh. I know that I married my sole mate. He has been so wonderful through this pregnancy. I love how protective he has become, and I love seeing his face when he talks about his daughter! He is already an amazing father. Our daughter is so lucky to have him. I am thankful for our baby, even though she is not here yet, I love her so much. I never thought that I would have such an attachment this early on, but she has already changed my life. I cannot wait to experience her life with her, to watch her grow and to watch her love others.
Thank you to everyone in my life. Thank you for loving me, for being there for me, and for making my life complete.
A 2020 Christmas
4 years ago